Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Picked up a new welder

Everlast PowerMIG 200 200amp MIG stick welder dual voltage 110v/220v spool gun ready
So any bad welds, are my fault...

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Need a place to work

Needing a place to work, is a must. We have a metal building we use to raise rabbits in, It's insulated, and has AC for the summer. But has been a catch all for years. So I cleaned it out, removed most of the cages, and bult some benches.

Start working on your dreams...

I have always loved three wheelers, a little weird for some, but it kind of fits me. I saw my first Morgan 3 wheeler as a teenager, and loved them. I have always taken pride in being able to make or build for myself, rather than buy something. Building a Morgan replica from scratch seems to my answer to this dream. I have gathered most of the parts needed, and tools necessary to build this. I hope others can join me in this build, and maybe inspire them to build there dreams.


 Today the USPS sleigh brought me a gift.  A 40mm DCOE Weber.